creatING a new foundation for biology

Sequencing Life for the
Future of Life

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What is the Earth BioGenome Project?

Powerful advances in genome sequencing technology, informatics, automation, and artificial intelligence, have propelled humankind to the threshold of a new beginning in understanding, utilizing, and conserving biodiversity. For the first time in history, it is possible to efficiently sequence the genomes of all known species, and to use genomics to help discover the remaining 80 to 90 percent of species that are currently hidden from science.




The Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), a moonshot for biology, aims to sequence, catalog and characterize the genomes of all of Earth’s eukaryotic biodiversity over a period of ten years. 



Create a new foundation for biology to drive
solutions for preserving biodiversity and sustaining human societies.


Why Sequence Life?




Acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus)

This is a scaffold-level Reference Genome

California Conservation Genomics Project

Featured Publication

Publication using the genomes of 362 avian species – generated from the Bird 10,000 Genomes (B10K) Project.

Title: Adaptive expansion of ERVK solo-LTRs is associated with Passeriformes speciation events

Authors: Chen G., Yu D., Yang Y., Li X., Wang X., Sun D., Lu Y., Ke R., Zhang G., Cui J. and Feng S.

Journal: Nature Communications (2024)

Events & Education


EBP Life Newsletter

We’re excited to share a seasonal newsletter with you highlighting EBP successes. The EBP is comprised of 58 global affiliated projects and counting who share the mission of creating annotated reference-quality genomes for ~ 1.8 million named eukaryotic species. Click below to see the latest issue of EBP Life.

Biodiversity Genomics Academy

Check out the BGA series of free, open to all, online-only, short and interactive sessions on how to use the bioinformatics tools and approaches that underpin the EBP.


“To sequence everything in the world—that is the reason we are here.”

—Huanming Yang, BIOGENOMICS 2017 CONFERENCE, February 24, 2017

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